Because a blueberry is full of hate ... Well, this post aims to show how the world (at least the part that I know of) conspires against the fulfillment of my highest duty of a student engineer. It all started last hour and a half and continued with the following sequence inhuman:
- My blueberry jam voluntarily (if) thrown down, repainting
ad eternam any textile within 1.50m.
- My coffee just let me go
- I do not know how long the kettle will hold
- My desk lamp has also snapped
- Word has just laugh at me having corrupted my file, 25 pages again because Mr. le.tmp also planted ...
- Obviously, I just found a bug in the con in my program that blocks all that never happened before, but that always happens now ...
- Problem with boiler, relaxing hot shower tonight turned into invigorating cold shower (which is always when one is full of know it happens ...)
- I was running in circles around the lake, screaming, suddenly I got yelled at by fishermen who camp around ...
If not harassment at the global level, I do not know. To make it complete, it lacks an upright turtle breaks into my apartment, eat all my left socks and thoroughly chews my guitar until death ensues ...
All that, while here and my report must have arrived at Brest on Friday 19 ... All goes well I manage. But should not push too hard either ...