Monday, September 27, 2010

Sebi Guidelines Wikipedia

Vandalism at St. Remy Dumoncel

Who removed the plate "Near You"?

At 51 rue Remy Dumoncel, City Hall is available to elected opposition premises of 15 m2 (the law provides a workplace and expression).

On the door was affixed, for nearly 10 years, a simple plaque bearing the words "Near You, Democracy's local close."

She reported the place where you could meet opposition politicians. Opposite the town hall, a cons-power Democratic and Republican working to enrich the debate for the benefit of all inhabitants.

In August, Do we have warned of the disappearance of the plate which, of course, has no value.

Is this farce of a schoolboy?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Do The Colors Mean On The Bottom Of A Beer

Avon Avon Heritage Days and the great men

Beautiful photo exhibition on the gates of the mansion in Bel-Ebat: it was necessary to recognize some figures who have stayed in our city. A newcomer that we've already talked Joined: Paul Mathéry which was secretary of the mayor of Avon in 1944 and deported and died for France.

We will also have a thought for those who loved to explore the city during the heritage days and who died a few months ago.
With his walking stick, surrounded by a group, he paced the streets. He stopped before each curiosity and told the story of big and small stories of everyday life. He was the living memory of our city.

The mayor of Avon gave his name to an alley, narrow path winding through the gardens and connecting main streets. The location could not be better suited to the hiker and gardener he was.

We dedicate these Heritage Days 2010 at our neighbor and friend Bernard Pamart.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gay Signals Do You Know Any Secret Gay Signals?

Avon: a safe summer

City Council June 28, 2010.

Before the summer campaign of Minister of Interior and the reproaches of the Industry Minister, Mr Mayor of Avon decided in June to reinforce the staff of the municipal police (30% over budget security).

The objective was simple: to have a municipal police on Saturday and enlarge the time slot on weekdays from 8 to 20h. This was presented as an application "self" of Avon in search of safety. For this, it is proposed that officers work each week 3 days at 12h/jour.

We are skeptical about the organization of working time: after 7 hours, the employee is no longer productive, the last 5 hours are present in the office. Two breaks of 20 minutes are provided, they will not eat a meal enough. The additional cost for the city is 90 000 € / year (the annual amount of operating grant awarded to the association AMC that manages the music school and its 200 small pupils). Inefficiency, financial skid is the same type of decision that we condemn in the management of approximately the municipality.

What mission do you give to the municipal police? We love our officers. We see them regularly go into town on their scooters: they lay in folds councilors, they act as usher, they frame events, patrolling and providing community policing, they talk with people of all problems several of the city. In summer, they can at your request, check no one broke into your house. Avon is a large village consisting of six villages, the police are the keeper of our community.

Should they ask for more? No. It would be dangerous to risk their lives in operations management of banditry. They are not armed, they are not trained, they are not framed for complex missions. Maintaining public order is the responsibility of the national police, we do not improvise Police Anti Crime Brigade.

We were there a few months, participating in a neighborhood to chat with the locals. They have confessed that they had not seen a alderman for five years. The best prevention is to be present everywhere, not to let the desperation move.

prevention and repression, a balance must be found in our city.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Utility Van For Queen Size

Making money on the Net you interested in?

So please: click on this banner:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Model Of Promotion For Dell

Fontainebleau-Avon-Recloses: a new president in overlapping mandates

Thursday, September 2, 2010, a new president was elected to replace Hugo Odette, who has resigned for "health reasons".

The chronology of this case is unusual: few months ago Recloses has applied for inclusion in the community of municipalities. What is the synergy between a remote village of 700 inhabitants of 7 km and an urban area? It gave generously to the newcomer to the Community Board 4 seats (there are 12 to Fontainebleau, 12 for Avon and none for the opposition), and in addition to Mayor Recloses was offered a vice-president with compensation.

Thursday, 12 counselors have expected to see election as president, a deputy of Avon, which seemed quite logical in the context of alternating direction after several years of Bellifontaine. Nay, arithmetic was perverse: 11 + 4 Fontainebleau Recloses and the mayor of Fontainebleau lives propel a position he coveted.

Explaining the attitude Mayor of Avon? Political naïveté or Machiavellianism? We asked the question in council, he refused to answer. Why does he defends the interests not of his town? Avon participates in the sharing of community losses of Commons, Fontainebleau, privatize profits.

The new president is close to a situation of dual mandate: it is the Mayor, Regional Councillor and in 2012 will be best placed to be the future MP. The law specifies that an elected official can receive monthly over € 8,100 in compensation.

Guy Carcassonne, a prominent constitutional lawyer, returned a few months ago in the press about the problem of overlapping. In a modern democracy, the political tendency is for him to cauterize a wound. One man, however gifted, can properly occupy several positions. To do so, he is surrounded by teams that must pay a second time, it blocks the rise of new talents, he became a professional who manages her career and forget the general interest.

In 2014, the legislature will change the functioning of local communities. Waiting to see if our city finds a democratic balance and technical efficiency. If the situation does not improve, we should consider secession for a more humane community. The future of Avon is on the Seine.