They were close of 1500 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 for a demonstration good boy in the streets of Fontainebleau. The procession includes high schools and Francois Couperin first walked down the street from the parish for an impromptu sit-in outside the town hall of Fontainebleau, where the first judge, a staunch supporter of reform, had lived. Some historic words were spoken at the reception of a delegation. Of parents have told us of police brutality during the dispersal of the procession between 13 and 14h. It seems that the police were very nervous, and responded to provocations instead of protecting adolescents. Six custody of minors have been conducted in a humiliating the police of Fontainebleau (see Fontainebleau MediaPart on the net).
Nationally, Francois Fillon and Hortefeux immediately denounced the unions who manipulated by the students themselves. Dominique Voynet, Green Mayor of Montreuil, where a youth was hit in the face by a shot from flash-ball, has denounced what it called "police violence against students." Federations of parents have called for calm.
What about the manifestation of Fontainebleau? She was spontaneous and what is striking is the sincerity of the students. Some have studied the texts of the law and worry about work until almost 75 years. Most express aloud malaise in secondary schools. The region renovates buildings, provides all the digital equipment but Education is the trouble: job cuts are felt, the repeated changes of Minister accelerate reforms. Wardens are the maximum, but resources are limited: how to teach foreign languages to a group of 35 students, how to support without additional faculty? In second grade, the books are still not available, teachers do not know the programs of the future tank, is total improvisation. Young teachers are directly assigned to classes without training in pedagogy hum.
Generation 2010 is different from 2006, or 1995. This is the first internet generation. They are born with the Internet, they use every day. In the evening, they connect, join their tribe, share news and work in cooperative mode. They read the international press VO. They are clear about the economic situation and know they will emigrate. But they are very resourceful, open, intelligent and talented. Do not break their dreams, support their project!
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