A major project was launched to modernize the stadium rock. It is planned to replace natural grass with synthetic turf and renovate the locker rooms. The stadium is located on the town of Fontainebleau. It is expected that the town of Avon to become owner of the land, now owned by the NFB, after an "exchange of parcels" bought a tract of private forest located in Ecrennes (near Chatelet en Brie ) and delivering it to the NFB in exchange for land the stadium.
The operation is legal?
Prior to 2006, he needed a law to sell a parcel of forest, now all state-owned timber may be assigned by decree.
Article L. 3211-5 of the General properties of public figures, recodified by Ordinance No. 2006-460 of 21 April 2006 on the legislative part of the general public and property of people apply from 1 July 2006, full version, reads: "
Paragraph 1: The woods and forests of the State can not be alienated except by law.
Paragraph 2 Notwithstanding the first paragraph, the state may under the conditions specified by Order in Council of State to proceed with the sale of timber and forests that meet the following conditions: 1 Be a capacity less than 150 hectares; 2 ° Not to be neither necessary to the maintenance and protection of mountain land, or the regulation of water regime and protection of water quality, or the biological balance of a region or welfare; 3 and whose products derived from their exploitation does not cover operating expenses.
Section 3: Notwithstanding the first paragraph, woods and forests of the state included in the scope of a declaration of public interest are transferred in accordance with the last paragraph of Article L. 12-4 of the Code of expropriation for public use under the conditions specified by Order in Council of State.
Where is the law? Where is the decree of the State Council, where is the declaration public utility, where is the certificate of Domains?
Some say that this land is not a forest. False, the forester's house is on the corner of the plot. That's part of the forest of Fontainebleau that is exchanged for a ridiculous price: building land in town of 18 000 m2 would be several million, he is paid € 70 800. We procured the agreement signed in 1995. There is clearly stated: "The State shall grant the town of Avon a land area of 1 ha located at 86a forest of Fontainebleau," "this land is earmarked exclusively for the use of Municipal Stadium, "The City of Avon shall not assign its rights or sub-lease the land conceded, "any commercial, industrial, craft or prohibited on the ground," and finally "the land belonging to the forest of Fontainebleau, belong to the state since time immemorial."
NFB Why should it keep the land, and to entrust its operation to the city as a convention?
Our city is said to sustainable development. Our children are studying geography in terms of sustainable development. They will cite the word of St Exupéry: "We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. "
Our forest of Fontainebleau is the first royal since Philip in 1067. It is protected: "The law is the brake set by the French people to the sale of the forests of the nation, the governments of France have always tended to cede (sale, exchange, commitment ...) for obvious financial needs or other causes "
We must maintain this heritage in the state for future generations. The National Forest is projected over the long term, a community lives in the short term until the next election.
Because the operation is announced is a sprawl. Some 18 000m2 exiting the perimeter of the forest of Fontainebleau. In 20 years, the town of Avon does she not announce a development and concreting of the area? If our predecessors had worked this way, Mount Andarta would now urbanized.
All this brings to mind the case of the racetrack at Compiegne where the former minister of labor is involved. Can
piece by carving a national forest? You will of course go into force to impose this decision. We will ask the Justice of the Republic to decide the point of forest law.
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