We met at our permanent, parents frustrated by the poor quality of the school. They talked about the lack of cohesion of the teaching staff, the Director and Inspector of Education now retired, school services of the Town Hall who were aware but did nothing . They discussed the problems of micro-violence in the playground, they have expressed their concerns for the future of children.
The bleeding continued, a new class was almost abolished in September 2010. When we talk of retirement at age 67, including Women who had a career discontinuous, we can only be sensitized to the problem of the age of teachers. There is a time for everything. A new director, a young and dynamic, has been appointed to revive the school.
few weeks ago, the Institut Montaigne ( www.institutmontaigne.org ) published a report on school failure in elementary and gave valuable ideas for improving the education system:
- Respect the organization of the school learning cycles consistent: it is to avoid duplication, it also support effectively with underachieving students, tutoring from 11:30 to 12:30 does not give good results in Avon
- Back to school one year and less dense further: the 4-day week has been the delight of parents but has hurt children who are exhausted, less responsive and confined in the failure
- Building on the quality of teachers to advance the system: to encourage continuing education, recruit qualified men and women who have the vocation
- Implement an effective governance Schools: create public primary, select and train managers to quality schools with real autonomy, review the role of inspectors of National Education.
Avon Centre confirms the current French. 20% of children come out of the system without training.
primary need is to develop ways to work in small numbers. The increase announced by The Minister of the number of students per class is unfortunately not in the way of success for all.
education in primary schools should be a priority for the town.
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