Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fibrositis In Shoulder

Another good reason ... Dating

Imagine my dismay ...

This morning, arriving before the heavy door of the library of the UT (University of labor), I read this little word: "For the writing workshop (where we had expected, and I Micheline ), and ringing at 071XXXXXX it will open you!

It was cold this morning, very cold and I still have not bought my GSM despite promises there less than a month! So I waited stoically, as the sentinel before the Palace until the "fall" comes in the person of another participant who has what it sesame modern times. It rang and they came.

St. Matthew in his gospel in chapter 7, verse 7 wrote much the same thing: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened."

A modern book, the Bible ... There is already talk of mobile phone!


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