Why this rampant inflation? The bill has two positions: the water consumption and treatment of wastewater. The share of the latter is now nearly 55% (it was 48% in 2003).
In consumption, there is a subscription (paid to the water company providing distribution) which has doubled in value since 2003, a distributor who share increased 20%, a share paid to the community of municipalities decreased 50% and a share for the Water Agency, which took 20%.
In the post-processing wastewater, a subscription was created in 2009. Distributor's share rose 11%, the share paid to the community increased by 90% and the proportion allocated bodies of 67%.
Network modernization in 2008 and the launch of the new treatment plant in 2009 pushed prices upwards.
On Fontainebleau-Avon, are 30,834 residents who are served, and consumed 5,732 subscribers in 2009, about 1,867,237 m3 of water. The wastewater collected in a network of 91 km have been restated to Valvins treatment plant.
There is little competition in the distribution of water. In Paris, Bertrand Delanoe has remunicipalisation distribution of water in 2010 and announced in 2011 a lower price per m3 is an average of 2.93 €.
The contract between the association of local operator expires June 2011. Our elected community will they have the good idea of competing firms in the market to request a 30% drop in the price of water, equal quality of service?
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