or the difficulty of being an alderman in Avon.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
is with a twinge in my heart that I address you at this end of the year to present to you my resignation. This, taken before the death of my son, has two reasons:
· The first is internal to our group "Close to you, for Avon, city eco-citizen": I was involved with John Mary VIROT to a passage in the Assembly to make what I am and my few skills. The switch to initiate and train in politics as many.
· The second it is completely linked and it is my observation: 2 years for so little result!
Indeed, when I do the place of my presence as an advisor to you, Mr. Mayor, as you liked to call me last June, it shows:
1. It took over a year for a "commission Avon sustainable over which you have very fast, much too fast, press meet for the first time ... nothing
2. And three more months for you to dismount ... doing nothing more
3. Telling me all this here on 9 February (see article by EPR), that I was not quite aware of what sustainable development, " for there was also thinking health and ecological stewardship. " These comments showed me that you came just read the summary of what a real preparation of an Agenda 21, which includes many other things to think like employment, housing, education, solidarity, culture, sports, urban planning, in short, all aspects of civilian life have, all with the sole aim of human happiness, which requires human and economic development while respecting our environment.
For projects that seemed important to us, you kept your line that refuses any dialogue:
· In Ferns, a safety committee instead of a neighborhood committee, an access point to the right instead of a neighborhood house (or there may have access to the right of way); repression in instead of prevention.
• For the BIA to the station, no program reflected in common (Agenda 21 is a unique tool for this!) And hence an eco-district that will be in your speech! At most there will he some positive energy buildings?
My record is close to zero ... but maybe not quite, at least I hope so:
¨ Car to voters have: I am proud to have worn, with the city council, beliefs and claims to which they trusted me ....
· Face to you Mr. Mayor and your majority: a big disappointment as none of the proposals of the opposition has been taken into account, the opposition is and remains a force for you to shoot at any price everything that comes from it is to be avoided ... or back!
However, the CM of November, I could see who was listening to an assembly, elected officials, who spoke for the majority: that I rejoiced the heart. In the motion we have to vote, I feel the beginnings of a desire to move in the right direction:
• For creating a true community of shared without any rule and with the presence of representatives of the opposition deputies
• For action effectively for economic development
· By relying on the overall approach proposed by Agenda 21
I sincerely hope that this willingness is reflected in reality and I know that the process is long to think and act collectively and inform each day ... but let me, Mr. Mayor, to have some doubts after my experience here.
I end my term volunteer among you, but if you really want, one day, you really inspire some of my skills, I will respond to your invitation, as I answer without hesitation to my colleagues "Near You "to support their commitment to local democracy and the environment from Have.
James Gaulon Arts and Crafts is an engineer, entrepreneur and member of several associations .
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