Replacing a delegate to the Community of communes, or disrespect of the mayor of Avon to her assistant. Intervention group
Near You City Council of February 8, 2011
We are shocked by the shape and substance of that decision is before us. In local democracy, there are things you do and others that it does not. Elegance is a political attitude.
In families, the political groups sometimes that we fight I love you I love you, I no longer love you, I love you. Dirty laundry is washed in the family and not communal laundry.
can find tricks: Odette Hugot last year was seriously "ill", which has helped explain the good people need to elect a new president at the head of the CCFA. We assure you: Odette was and is still doing very well. When
Near You criticized the actions of the majority, it is the function we are: we are talking about the Mayor and not JP Le Poulain, privacy is sacred and must never be challenged.
In today's decision, the editor explicitly Rucheton Beatrice: "Whereas there are certain disagreements between Ms. Rucheton and the municipal team, especially on community issues, and that these disagreements are creating divisions within the majority of municipal and disturb the proper functioning of the municipal administration. " Functioning disorder, disorder and order, we are before a court. What made him reproach there in detail?
"Whereas Ms. Rucheton has lost the confidence of the Mayor and all street team": we are not at Ben Ali in Tunisia, to the Near You, we respect the work done for many years by the Mayor Assistant culture.
All this smells bad, it all looks like a Stalinist purge.
We were Beatrice and myself, these last summer on the anniversary of the assassination of Georges Mandel, Minister of the republic, executed by the militia in July 1944. A very nice letter was read: one written by his daughter to the daughter of a colleague tried and executed: "Madam, my children will always be proud to wear the name of their grandfather, yours will be ashamed ". The image is so important.
Mr. Mayor, you disrespect the opposition today is around your age. We will not participate in this poll farce.